Sell your house fast
in California with confidence
With over 40+ years of experience, we provide excellent real estate solutions. If you need to sell your house fast in California and want a fair price for it without the stress, hassle, or cost of listing on the market, let us know.
40+ years of experience and 100% client satisfaction
Annie and Alex share a passion for real estate. Both grew up in Beverly Hills. Annie has been a licensed broker since 1987. Combining the sales of fine art, collectibles, along with real estate, Alex is now directing his skills and knowledge towards residential sales.
Selling and Buying a home is a big undertaking - we use our experience to guide you through the real estate process and ensure every detail is accounted for. As your trusted real estate advisors, we'll work to make sure the process is easy to understand. Whether you’re new to Beverly Hills, or already a part of our community, get in touch to see how we can help with all of your real estate needs.
Alex Popa Interview
What our clients have to say
How we are different

Local Knowledge
As Southern California locals we have the knowledge and know how to answer all of your real estate questions.

Proven Experience
We're experienced in all kinds of different transactions, from condos to senior communities and from commercial to residential- we know what needs to happen to sell your home.

True Partnership
We care deeply about the success of our clients. We're here to help you every step of the way, and will do all we can to help reach your goals!